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25 June 10.00 @ Erasmus University Rotterdam

Alea iacta est, join me for the public defence of my PhD thesis 'the law and economics of cyber security'.

These are exciting times, and I would be very pleased if you would be part of it.

The defence takes place Monday 25 June at 10.00 precisely at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Senaatszaal (A-building)). German, Italian and Dutch experts will fire several rounds of questions. There is a reception after the ceremony.

Click here for an English or Dutch summary

    Read more: two articles that introduce the subject in NRC-Handelsblad and the Dutch Financial Times.

    For those of you who do not dare to click on links anymore, a (very) short summary:

    The vast increase in digital insecurity - posed by ransomware, DDoS attacks and data breaches amongst others - requires an intelligent cyber security strategy. Government and industry can shape this strategy with legal instruments, such as regulations and contracts. However, very little is known regarding the social costs and benefits thereof. This is worrisome: cyber security expenditures will rise exponentially in the future as mankind becomes increasingly dependent on the digital world.

    ‘The Law and Economics of Cyber Security’ provides an in depth analysis into the root causes of this societal problem. The dissertation investigates novel legal instruments such as the possibility for insurance against cyber risks, the option to cover these risks by means of pooling and the EU data breach notification obligation in the GDPR. Furthermore, the study yields concrete policy recommendations for university, government and industry. In doing so, it combines fundamental analysis with concrete, actionable building blocks for an enhanced national cyber security strategy.